2010年9月4日 星期六

greenhouse gases emission

Global warming caused by greenhouse gases emission.
The gases make from cars airplanes, factories, and human activities.
The pie chart shows the cause effect of the Carbon Emissions.

The biggest part is electricity generation about 33%
Second one is transportation about 28%
Industry 20%
Agriculture 8%
Commercial 6%
Residential 5%

Individuals can reduce our own carbon footprints.
The next slide shows the way to do.
As you can see here,
Buy products locally.
Using green products that save energy, like TV, computers, refrigerators.
Do no use the air conditioner so much.
Choose E-books instead of printed books, e-mail instead of paper letters.
Bring your own cloth bags to shopping. Instead of plastic or paper bags.

We can plan more trees,
Plants and trees naturally offset the greenhouse gases.
They take in carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen.

Climate change will impact the farming and food production around the world.
Many scientists expected that climate change will be the cause of the extinction.
As I have said earlier, the Maldives will be submerged in 2050.
It sounds unbelievable, but it might happen if we still do nothing.
There are many simple things we can do in our daily life- what you eat,
what you drive- that would have the effects on our immediate change.

